Friday, February 29, 2008
Lesli's Hope Chest
So, the other day I made a comment to Lesli about her 'Hope Chest'. She responded that it wasn't a 'Hope Chest' but a 'Cedar Chest'. I responded that they are also called, 'Hope Chests' because you put all of your hopes and dreams in them. She said that only 'girlie girls' called them hope chests. She said that they say, "Oh I love this wedding cake. I'm going to put this picture of a wedding cake in my 'Hope Chest' and then someday when I get married I'll have this wedding cake." She responded that she has her grandma's old quilts in her 'Cedar Chest'. Then I remembered Lesli's deep freeze, freezer in the garage...full of dead animals that she 'hopes' to mount someday. I assured her that if that's what a 'Hope Chest' something you put all of your hopes and dreams in then her deep freeze IS her HOPE CHEST. She's always saying how someday she's going to mount this or that and then have a whole room in her house that is just full of mounted animals...kind of like a forest scene. She talks about HOW she's going to mount them and what sort of scenery she is going to put them in...and how cool will that be! "That's the 'DREAM' Debbie." She says that all the time. "That's the DREAM." It made her so mad. Now I call her freezer full of dead animals...her HOPE CHEST! HA! I seriously think I'm so funny! (maybe you have to know Lesli to appreciate the humor in this..but I think I'm a riot!) Pretty clever, huh?
Monday, February 25, 2008
Today I didn't....
Today I DIDN'T make it to work on time. I didn't go to the gym. I didn't run any errands. I didn't even bring the mail in. I didn't get my car washed. I didn't wash the pile of dish towels sitting on top of the washing machine. I didn't empty the dish washer and I didn't clean the kitchen. I certainly didn't pull all of the weeds that have sprouted up in the last 3 weeks. I DID manage to make it to work after a sleepless night. I did take a bunch of ibuprofin. I did come home from work, put my scrubs on, and laid right down on the couch. O.k. so before I feel like a total waste of space today...what else DID I do? I DID feed and water the chickens. I DID make a 'To Do List' of things that I will definatley do this weekend when I am feeling better.

I WILL read my scriptures...even if it is only a few verses. I will say my prayers. I will be grateful for my blessings and ask for a solid night's sleep and a better tomorrow. I WILL go to bed early. I'm so excited to go to sleep!

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Cake Anyone?

All good things in life are chocolate. It's true. Look at this cake. The cover didn't say what the calorie or fat content was. Can you blame them? I'm sure nobody would buy it if they knew. However, it did say that it was 7 lbs. So there it is...7 lbs of chocolate decadence...minus the 5 pieces that have been cut out of it. We had friends over for dinner over the weekend and look at all that's left over. This can NOT stay in my house. Would anybody like to help me get rid of this cake???? PLEASE!

So, less than a month ago I received in the mail a jury summons for the City of Phoenix. I don't know why we always want to get out of jury duty. It would probably be very interesting. I did actually go once in Phoenix when I first moved here, but right before I was called into the jury box for questioning, they had selected their jury and I was excused. Anyway, I hopped on line and filled out my form and typed in my little excuse as to why I couldn't attend my jury summons. I was excused. Woo Hoo! Home free for a year or so, right?! Wrong...just yesterday I received a jury summons to the City of Mesa! Are you kidding me?! Are you even kidding me?! It looks like it's inevitable. Oh's a day off work and an opportunity to fill my civic duty as a citizen. Oh happy day!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Everybody's doing it!
So here I am! I've been having so much fun reading the blogs of friends and family. It's great because I I totally feel like I'm in touch with everyone. Anyhoo, my sister turned me on to this and I thought it would be fun, so here I am. It's Saturday and it's a lazy day. I haven't felt much like going out except to buy some bread...and some girl scout cookies (tagalongs). Darn girl scouts! So...I thought today would be a good day to get this set up. It's so nice outside today. The chickens are out and scratching around. I've got the doors open and I'm enjoying the fresh air. However every now and then the wind blows and I get a wiff of dead animal. My roomate, Lesli, is a 911 operator but has her own taxidermy business on the side. She's out back skinning/fleshing animals. Sounds nice, huh? Smells nice too...NOT! I never thought in my life that I would see the things that I've seen since I've known her. It's been VERY interesting. She's actually very good at what she does. Well, I've got a few more Saturday things to laundry so I'm off!
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