This is my breakfast...

I never do this, but...this morning for breakfast I had 1 1/2 glazed, buttermilk donuts and a half of a Take 5 candy bar with a glass of cold milk. It was SOOOO good! The glazed, buttermilk donuts remind me of my brother Rand. I remember one time when we were kids and he was babysitting, he had us all pool our money together and then he went and bought glazed, buttermilk donuts. So good. Cory mentioned the TAKE5 candy bar in one of her blogs a while ago and I have been thinking about trying it ever since. She was so right. It is sooo good.
I also recently returned from a trip to Utah for a friends wedding.

Amy and I were roommates at Utah State University many years ago and became good friends. She was sealed in the Logan Temple at 11am and then had a luncheon for family and few close friends that attended the sealing. When I first heard she wasn't having a reception, I thought it was kind of weird, but it was actually very nice. There was no stress of setting up and taking down a reception. There weren't a ton of people. The whole thing was very 'quaint' and 'intimate'. It made me think.....'hmmmmm maybe this is the way to do it.'
I was also able to spend some time with Wendy and Adele who are best friends from my childhood. I feel so blessed that I have friendships like this that have endured the years and distance between us. It's never awkward. We always just pick up visiting as if we'd never been apart. I feel like we ALL really had a unique and blessed experience back in the San Jose, 26th ward. Those are relationships that will last into the eternities. We are so blessed! (Thanks again Wendy for letting me stay with you!) the way...Adele's little girl Zoe is the most well-mannered, polite, sweet child I have ever met! I really couldn't believe it!. I wanted to put her in my suitcase and bring her home wit me. I asked Adele what she 'did' and she said that she 'didn't do anything'. Some kids just come that way. Hopefully....someday....when I have kids, I can place an order for some like that!
Of course Utah was so green, and lush compared to the brown, prickly desert I live in. I just enjoyed being out driving and taking in the scenery. Kind of funny...the day I flew out of Phoenix to Utah President Bush also flew out of Phoenix and hour before me. Then, the day I flew out of Salt Lake to return to Phoenix, the President flew out just before me. It almost made me late to the airport. Traffic was HORRIBLE and roads were blocked everywhere, but I did manage to return my rental car on time, check my bag and get in the security line...upon which I realized that I left my cell phone in the rental car. So, I get out of the security line and run back across the street to the rental cars, running through the parking lot (my rental car place was clear in the back of course)...the guy that checked my car back in was heading my direction with my cell phone. Whew! Run back to the airport and hop back into the security line. I made it just fine! Somewhat of a stressful morning but at least I got my exercise in.
Now...back to the grind. I returnd to work the next day and found my chair like this...
I'm telling never stops at my office. Never a dull moment.