Last weekend I took Dudley over to my sister and brother in-law's house to swim in their pool. I thought it would be nice for him to have all of that room and depth that he could dive and I thought the kids would enjoy swimming with a duck. It wasn't quite as I imagined it would be. First of all, the car ride over made Dudley very nervous and just as I pulled into the driveway at their house he decided to throw up all over my car. I'm not talking in just one small location, he shook his head and it splattered all over. That was great. Poor Dudley. Anyhoo, he hopped right in the pool but as soon as the kids hopped in with him, he was through! He's not used to being around so many people, especially screaming, splashing children. He wanted no part of it. He spent most of his time outside the pool and staying close to me, but we did manage to get him to float around a bit. We'll have to try it again some day. I think he'd like it if he got used to it. 

Happy Birthday to my cute little nephew, Bradley!

Debbie- I just love that you have your own duck. You're my only friend who has a duck!
Crazy, huh?!
Poor little Dudely! Too bad he didn't enjoy his swim. I would try taking him over when they are out of town and the kids aren't there to bother him.
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