Laurie made the comment, "How can you NOT talk about God out here." It has caused me to reflect the the last couple of days on God's power and all that He has done and can do. We know that He created this beautiful earth for us to enjoy, which in and of itself is amazing, but even more amazing is that he created us in His own image. We are literally His children and He knows us each individually and personally. Knowing this brings me peace, and knowing that no matter how hard things can get, He is always there to help us reach the amazing potential that He knows we have.

This is the story of a young piano student. His mother, wishing to encourage him, "bought tickets for a performance of the great Polish pianist, Paderewski. The night of the concert arrived and the mother and son found their seats near the front of the concert hall. While the mother visited with friends, the boy slipped quietly away.
"Suddenly, it was time for the performance to begin and a single spotlight cut through the darkness of the concert hall to illuminate the grand piano on stage. Only then did the audience notice the little boy on the bench, innocently picking out 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.'
"His mother gasped, but before she could move, Paderewski appeared on stage and quickly moved to the keyboard. He whispered to the boy, 'Don't quit. Keep playing.' And then, leaning over, the master reached down with his left hand and began filling in the bass part. Soon his right arm reached around the other side, encircling the child, to add a running obbligato. Together, the old master and the young novice held the crowd mesmerized.
"In our lives, unpolished though we may be, it is the Master who surrounds us and whispers in our ear, time and time again, 'Don't quit. Keep playing.' And as we do, He augments and supplements until a work of amazing beauty is created. He is right there with all of us, telling us over and over, 'Keep playing.'"7
"Suddenly, it was time for the performance to begin and a single spotlight cut through the darkness of the concert hall to illuminate the grand piano on stage. Only then did the audience notice the little boy on the bench, innocently picking out 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.'
"His mother gasped, but before she could move, Paderewski appeared on stage and quickly moved to the keyboard. He whispered to the boy, 'Don't quit. Keep playing.' And then, leaning over, the master reached down with his left hand and began filling in the bass part. Soon his right arm reached around the other side, encircling the child, to add a running obbligato. Together, the old master and the young novice held the crowd mesmerized.
"In our lives, unpolished though we may be, it is the Master who surrounds us and whispers in our ear, time and time again, 'Don't quit. Keep playing.' And as we do, He augments and supplements until a work of amazing beauty is created. He is right there with all of us, telling us over and over, 'Keep playing.'"7
Deb, Yesterday was such a beautiful day for an outing like yours. I wish I could of gone with you guys. Thanks too for sharing some of your testimony. You are so good at sharing, something I need to be better at. Loved the pictures!
I wish I could have gone hiking with you!! Seriously, I would have loved it and loved catching up!
Anything that isn't a gray, wet sky looks beautiful to this Seattle-ite!
That must have been loads of fun! I love the story at the end, I cried! It has also took me a few years to call the desert beautiful. I Love it here and I Love the family I have here.
I loved this post. It's good to 'see' you, Deb.
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