I realize it's not 'Flashback Friday' but I can have 'Memories on Monday', right?
So last year I went to the White Mountains with my roommate. She loves to hunt, and since she didn't get drawn for Elk last year she wanted to go 'Elk Stalking'. So we went to her families cabin in Greer which is about 4 hours away. We got all decked out in camouflage and headed out to try to 'call in' some elk. One our drive out, she accidentally hit a squirrel and being the taxidermist she is... she went back and got the squirrel which she just threw in the back of the truck. We were able to see a few elk while we were out. I learned on this little adventurer that I could never be a hunter, simply because I don't have the patience for it. It's not fun....and I don't think I could kill things. Anyway, at the end of the night we get back to the cabin and Lesli has pulled a few things out of the truck and is trying to get the keys to the cabin out of her backpack. It's very dark outside. She says, 'Here, will you hold this?' So I reach out to take whatever it is that she needs me to hold and at the last second I see that it's the dead squirrel! I jerked my hand away so fast! I finally relented. It was a pretty funny moment. Rigamortis had set in. Poor little squirrel. I swear...I have been exposed to so many things through knowing her that I would never have ever experienced in my life time otherwise. People sure make life interesting.