Tuesday, August 12, 2008


This is how I'm feeling today...Today I am feeling bored. Bored with the work I'm doing....bored with my cubicle...even bored with my gum so I had to get a different kind from somebody else. I'm bored with my hair too. It's just a boring day in general... I'd rather be here....

Aaaaaaahhhhhh! Doesn't that just make you want to sigh?


Liz said...

I have those days too. Hang in there!!

Leslie Behunin said...

Come to Seattle!!! I'll show you around the town and we'll have a blast! We have some beautiful waterfalls, too! :)

Chad and Jolene Smith said...

Poor Gal!! I hope tomorrow will be a better day!(':

Debbie said...

Ooooh Leslie! Sounds great! I just may take you up on that some day!

Sarah said...

time to go skinny-dipping...

Debbie said...

Ha! It always seemed to work in the past, right?