This is the most amazing antiperspirant/deodorant EVER! I heard about it from my roommate who heard about it from her friends at work and it really is amazing! You put it on at night and then you don't sweat the next day. I have been a fan of Certain Dri in the past which you also put on at night, BUT you have to wait for it to dry and sometimes it stings....I am telling you...hands down this is the greatest stuff!

Quick! Run out and buy some today!
(Secret Clinical Strength)
I'm sold! You should get paid for the advertisement/plug! :)
Hi Debbie,
We don't want to lose you (or anyone else!) as a Certain Dri fan. You will be happy to know that Certain Dri just introduced a SOLID application. more waiting for it to dry. What's better, the new ingredient - 25% aluminum sesquichlorohydrate - offers the same lasting results, protection for up to 72 hours with each application. The price is the same $5.50-$5.99 and if you are not completely satisfied, they will give you a full refund (as long as you have your purchase receipt). The product is just hitting the shelves this month.
Email us today at
Thank you.
Laura Giardina
for The Certain Dri Team
O.k. that's a litte freaky
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