I'm stealing an idea from my friend Paula. Since I don't really feel like i have much to blog about in regards to my daily doings, I'm going to blog about things that I love about that day or week. If nothing else, I figure it will help me to be more grateful and remind me that there are things to love about each day. Thanks for the idea Paula and hope you don't' mind my 'mooching' it off of you!
Winters in Arizona, because it means that I can go walking (outside) at 8 in the morning without dying of heat exhaustion or drowning in my own sweat! It was a beautiful, cloudy, overcast morning! I love that!

I happened to glance into a window as i walked past a house and noticed that they were watching 'Little House on the Prairie'. I LOVE 'Little House on the Prairie' and that people still watch it!
I own the first 5 Seasons.
My roommate has given them to me over the years for birthdays or holidays. I grew up on Little House on the Prairie, and decided a long time ago that when i grew up and had children, I would 'tape' all of episodes and raise my children on Little House. It's such a great show that teaches great values. So, imagine my delight when I saw the 1st Little House 'video' for sale years ago. Glad I waited to start my collection until it came out on DVD.

I love that I heard thunder on my walk and that it sprinkled a couple of drops on my eyelid...but didn't downpour on me.

What a great way to start the day!
I think that you have a great idea about your blogging on what you love! I should do that too. I enjoyed your post. I wish I could go walking early in the morning but, with kids to get ready for school and teaching 3 days a week I would have trouble finding the time and morning is a superb time to walk and take it all in. I really miss that about walking in the morning!
Oh my gosh, now everyone is copying me!
But Debs! I love your blog! It was so sweet! Can't wait to read more.
Enjoyed your post. I am jealous that you can walk in the morning and not freeze to death while doing it.
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