Thursday, March 5, 2009

3 things...

1. Love the smell of Orange Blossoms! Can't get enough of it. It's like a freakin' drug to me!

2. Love my new Shark Steam Mop! I think it gives me a false sense of security that everything is completely germ free. 3. Puppies are a lot of work!


Leslie Behunin said...

You would think were were both vergo's! ;) I love oranges (not that I get to smell the blossoms in rainy Seattle but they are my fav fruit!), I'm a steam cleaning fool too and babies are probably about as much work as puppies. Fun post, thanks for sharing and good luck with your CUTE puppy!!!

Liz said...

Did you get a dog? I miss the smell of orange blossoms in Phoenix. That was one of my favorite things to smell when living there.

amee sorensen said...

I want Orange Blossoms! Sounds awesome! Next time I am there, I will have to go and smell them! :)